Tuesday 27 October 2015

1c: Audio Visual

I found this task particularly hard at the beginning as it involved two of the things I'm not very good at; video editing and recording myself speaking, whether this involves audio or visual (even worse!). I wanted to do something I would be comfortable doing, rather than cringing at the sound of my own voice every time I watch my video back. (I'm sure I'm not the only person who hates the sound of my own voice!) I wasn't really sure how to approach this task. Some people find recording and uploading videos very easy to do, and I wish I was one of these people! After much thought, I decided to create a Flipagram account, an easy and simple way to upload videos including photos, text and music. For those who aren't so familiar with Flipagram, it is a sharing app with one purpose; making short movies out of your chosen photographs. You then have the choice to share your video with the rest of the 'Flipagram community'/people you follow, or share straight to your email, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp etc. I was able to link up my account with my photos on my phone as well as my Facebook, Instagram and Twitter account to find and select the photos I needed to use. I don’t use Flipagram often- in fact I have only used it once or twice before, but have never directly shared one of these videos onto Youtube so I was nervous at first, but enjoyed doing it. 

The point of this task was to express your intentions on how you might be using the BAPP course, whether this is for your own knowledge or for your future. There are many ways to express and communicate your own intentions, and personally I don’t think it matters how you do it, as long as your motives are clear to whoever is viewing them. I mentioned in my previous post the quote: ‘A picture speaks a thousand words’. Sometimes an image can communicate it’s meaning more effectively that a description would.

A few of the photos are blurry but you can still see them! It’s nothing great, but here it is, enjoy!



  1. I like this video because it's simple and to the point! I hate the sound of my own voice too so I would do similar to you, pictures and words tell the story just as well! I had a look at Misty Copeland as you had mentioned her in the skype session and I found her story really interesting so thanks for sharing!

  2. It was so much easier than stressing myself out and spending double the time doing something I'm not comfortable with and far more complex. For people like us I would definitely recommend doing your audio-visual this way! No problem, glad you enjoyed her story!

